Chatty Catholics
All families, all ages are invited for monthly fellowship.
Contact Patience Williams for more information. [email protected]
Centering Prayer
presented by Meg Zerbinos
Centering Prayer is a form of Christian prayer rooted in the ancient Christian Contemplative Tradition. It is a method of consenting to the presence and action of God in our lives. The fruit of this prayer is a growing sense of God leading us beyond anxiety into an inner stillness and peace, and outward in compassion and service.
Sunday Adult Faith Formation
Adults will begin meeting in Fireweed Hall from 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. on Sunday October 1, 2023 for Faith Formation.
2022/2023: We have completed 12 weeks of a fantastic Bible study by the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology, led by Dr. Scott Hahn, a wonderful professor, theologian, and scholar, at Franciscan University. The Bible study is called "Genesis to Jesus" which goes through the Old Testament, to explain in clear language the salvation history.
Here are the links
Lesson 1: Discover Your Place In the History of Salvation
Lesson 2 : The Old and The New
Lesson 3: Covenant With Creation
Lesson 4: Fall From Grace
Lesson 5: A New Begining
Lesson 6: Our Father In Faith
Lesson 7: From Egypt to Sinai
Lesson 8: Wandering in the Wilderness
Lesson 9: Rise of the Covenant Kingdom
Lesson 10: Features of the Kingdom
Lesson 11: New Moses New Covenant
Lesson 12: The Kingdom Transformed